Wednesday, 16 September 2015

War Update: Sargas lost, Federation starts destructive operations.

ARTEMIS - Due to the loss of faction assets, Sargas is no longer Federation territory! This was the decision of the Galactic Council that held their bi-monthly meeting of the Pardus Cluster yesterday, which was predictable due to the three starbases destroyed by the Union a few days before war broke out. As a result, subsidy has been cut for the Federation, causing less income per starbase and potentially losing millions in the long term, at least until the next meeting which is planned on October 1st.

War statistics as of this report.

The war is still raging in the Contingents. While squadron combat was extremely prevalent the first few days, it appears to cool down now as the active squadrons in space are tired and worn out; their supplies are likely running low and bringing logistics to the squadrons inside hostile space is impractical and dangerous. It's unknown how many squadrons are still on standby though, so combat may flare up again, most likely around the time of the next Council Meeting.

Despite the large amount of squadrons seen, surprisingly few starbases have been lost in total: 4 Federation bases and 3 Union bases. No captures have been reported yet.

Operations now seem to move toward the neutral zones and the faction Core clusters while the Contingents continue to smolder. The first war missions have been completed, and many more are on their way. There are reports of bombings being conducted as well, killing thousands of starbase inhabitants deep within faction territories. Bombings have so far been reported on: Sol Base (FHC), Alioth Station (FRC), and Stark Industries (Somewhere in Union space)

The Union took the lead at first, earning most of their medals with dogfighting and ambushes, as well as completing missions into the Federation cores. The Federation seems to strike back with powerful blows to various military outposts and other buildings all over Union space. Surgical strikes to important structures, causing supply chains of critical resources to be disrupted, are very common tactics. As of writing this report, the Federation is at a small lead in terms of earning war medals, most of them from these destructive operations, but also due to the fact that the main Union combat operation was a pre-emptive strike that happened before the war was officially declared.

Either way, it is way too early to say who might prevail in this conflict, as both factions seem to be about equally matched for now.

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