The War has concluded, with the Empire ordering it's pilots to stop all fighting, and Federation following the lead. The War lasted for more than three months, in which entire clusters were decimated. The faction clusters of EWS, FHC, FSH, and minor damage done to union territories, and the NZ clusters of Lane, Split, to name a few.
All faction leaders, recognising the damage the hostility has caused to the universe as a whole, set aside their differences and worked together towards a new path forward.
The Treaty that the faction leaders came up with, is:
All faction leaders, recognising the damage the hostility has caused to the universe as a whole, set aside their differences and worked together towards a new path forward.
The Treaty that the faction leaders came up with, is:
"The war was long. Many
folks have lost their interest in the universe because of the war. The
leaders of both sides hope that the future of the universe will be bright, and
we are working together to make that possible. It’s in that spirit that
we draft the below agreement.
These expectations will be impossible to enforce, but we are wrting them here to show that all leaders want future wars to be more fair, more fun, and more friendly. This section isn’t meant to blame any particular person or side. We are creating a list of things that we’d like to see not happen in the future.
- Both sides agree to end hostilities based on the terms outlined below. 48 hours will be given for ambushers to come online and withdraw.
- During peace both sides agree that PvP is not acceptable in any of the following locations like:
- Faction space or sectors within one WH jump of faction space.
- On the same tile as any exotic weapons or armor station.
- On the Lahola choke.
- In certain faction controlled systems like Veedfa, Mebsuta, or Silaad.
- Strictly no PvB, PvSB or Squad vs SB unless specifically sanctioned by the owner or owning alliance’s leadership. This is universe wide not just in PvP sectors.
- The Empire will transfer all 8 PFC bases to federal pilots and remove all buildings from the PFC within a few days of the treaty signing. The Empire will transfer all 8 PFC bases to pilots nominated collectively by DS, TTG and DW.
- The Federation will exchange 100m credits to Zodiac for Zodiac’s PFC SB AND Zodiac must make himself known as Zodiac the Useless for no less than 30 days. Zodiac may choose not to rename if he’d rather pass on the credits.
- Beurso Starbase will be demolished, and Baar SB to be transferred to the federation or a neutral alliance like Lane Legends if the Federation doesn't have someone who wants the base.
- Any pilot who breaks the treaty will be asked to pay reparations and agree not to repeat their actions. If that pilot who either refuses to pay reparations or is deliberately breaking the treaty repeatedly, then they will be removed from their alliance and made KoS by all parties to the treaty, including their own faction friends.
- Any pirate who wishes to return to a treaty alliance must cease any piracy for a minimum period of 2 months before they can be removed from any KoS list. Any party may retain a pirate on their KoS list beyond the 2 month period at their own discretion, but may not hunt for that pilot in territory claimed by any alliance for which that pilot is no longer KoS.
- A pirate may not hold a starbase.
- All sides agree that any squads launched from a base owned by a treaty alliance are the responsibility of the owning alliance. In the case of that SB owner having recently left a treaty alliance, or the SB having recently been transferred to a non-treaty alliance, there may still be a degree of responsibility attached to the treaty alliance. Any damages caused by those squads must be paid for by the alliance owning the base from which the squads were launched. Any rebuilding work required must also be assisted by the alliance owning the base from which the squads were launched.
- In the event of a squad attack in P*C, it will be assumed that the Empire, or the strongest faction at the time, is responsible for the event as both sides work together through the investigation of events. Both sides agree to 100% cooperation in finding the errant starbase owner.
- Both sides agree to no less than 2 joint Operations following the end of war. One to assist the Empire in cleanup efforts and one to assist the Federation. This provision may not be needed if pilots have already been working together successful to remove Vyrex and other issues. Removing this requires agreement from leaders on both sides.
- Once this agreement is in effect either side may cancel the agreement with not less than 2 weeks notice to all parties. It is our hope that this agreement will stay in place for as long as it is needed for Artemis to become a friendly, fun server. Both sides agree to not cancel this agreement for at least 6-12 months and beyond if not canceled as specified above.
- This treaty is a living document. With agreement from all parties, this treaty can be adjusted as needed so that it lasts for as long as it is needed. Anyone exploiting loopholes or missing elements in the treaty will not be looked on kindly by the treaty alliances.
- No participant in the treaty will construct any buildings in territory belonging to another faction or alliance without the explicit consent of that faction or alliance.
- Both sides will work together to protect skilling critters such as E’s, Lucy, and Z nooks.
- Even though PvP is not allowed in faction controlled systems, this cannot be used as a tool to expand faction space to unreasonable places or to set up a "New Veedfa" near the other factions borders. However, allowances for building near your own faction space is reasonable. For example, rebuilding the Z skilling base in SPR, or the Federation rebuilding the Grefaho base.
These expectations will be impossible to enforce, but we are wrting them here to show that all leaders want future wars to be more fair, more fun, and more friendly. This section isn’t meant to blame any particular person or side. We are creating a list of things that we’d like to see not happen in the future.
- When a pilot with a starbase switches sides, that starbase should stay with that pilot’s previous side.
- Wars should be fought within the war declaration system.
- If one side doesn’t want to war, the other side should not force a war with lobby funds.
- Friends in other factions should not be used to scout ambushes for chokes to break on offensive combat.
- Starbases with bad settings should not be used to destroy starbases or launch squads.
- Abusing improper MO settings should be avoided.
- New pilot’s buildings should be avoided. New pilots should not build in neutral or open space to make it easier to avoid shooting at them.
- Starbases with unlocked advanced goods should not have their goods bought out by the opposite side.
- Spying on or participating in the other side's text chats should not happen.
- Wars should end with a good faith treaty at the end of the the official war declaration.
- No faction should attempt to claim entire clusters from other factions.
- Unrestrained squad war such as capturing an entire cluster or capturing a homeworld starbase should be avoided. This may require more specific agreements for Premium space.
- Starbases that are captured in the war will be returned to alliance that held the base before the war, unless otherwise decided by the faction leadership structure. Alliances in treaty negiations will be chosen by their faction leadership structure. An example of a faction leadership structure is Federal Congress.
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