Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Untold Conflict, Part 3

Continuation of the backstory of Pegasus' conflict between Federation Underground and The Ebidium Dagger. This is the last part. For previous parts:
Untold Conflict, part 1 
Untold Conflict, part 2 

On the 6th of September, two days after the events in Sargas, a lot of movement was seen in the Empire Contingent. It was Miik Uzen, another Dark Knight pilot, with his squadrons. He got squadrons from the two DK-owned starbases in the PEC. Considering the PEC is governed by Crimson Dawn, this was considered a breach of several agreements, especially because the handweapons used to hire and supply the squadrons came from Crimson Dawn assets.

Miik Uzen started his assault from Baham and struck into Nhandu, Cebece, and Gomeisa. At about the same time, Pestilence started his assault into Quaack, resulting in TED being overwhelmed and attacked on two fronts. A total of 6 starbases were lost in the attack, but it could have been more, considering TED managed to successfully defend some starbases against all the odds. An estimate of 10 starbases were attacked in total that day.

Crimson Dawn was not pleased with the PEC being a source of the destruction in the PUC, so they did something extraordinary: Lace Wing (leader of CD) allowed a former imperial outlaw named Azul Thorn to lead half of the squadrons and destroy Miik Uzen's starbase in the PEC. Crimson Dawn also paid 50 million credits to TED as an apology. Both of these actions would be considered impossible one year ago, because TED and CD had a bad diplomatic relationship for a long time, and Azul got on the imperial outlaw list because he was involved in previous conflicts against the Empire.

Azul Thorn is also TED's squadron commander at this moment, and probably behind the strategic attack on Enif: The devastation in Quaack resulted in some spare squadrons that arrived too late to defend a base. These squadrons were used to launch a counteroffensive. They were sent on a perilous journey through the Pardus Core, and flew from Quaack straight into Enif at the heart of the PFC, where the squadrons attacked and destroyed two federal starbases belonging to Federation Underground.

Starbase combat cooled down quickly in the following days, but squadrons would still engage each other whenever possible.
About two weeks ago, another alliance got involved: E.D.F. (Earth Defense Force). An alliance based in the federal homecores, they decided to join in on the fray. Or rather, they wanted to stop it. They demanded an immediate ceasefire between the two warring parties. Not complying would mean getting on E.D.F.'s Kill on Sight list.
After some unbelief and hesitation which lead to some ambushes being cancelled, neither FU nor TED honored the sudden cease-fire demand, and E.D.F. now shoots both sides equally, but does not seem to be that invested in the whole ordeal. Maybe they still have a role to play.
The conflict is still ongoing, and no end is in sight. If there is going to be a real ceasefire, possibly a peace declaration, there are already theories that neither KAT nor DK should be allowed to own bases in the contingents anymore, as they both only seem to use them for their personal vendettas.


In conclusion, this entire conflict was started because Miss Demeanor got the idea to attack two Sargas starbases... One pilot of a single alliance against two other alliances, which grew to become a conflict involving 6 alliances, and made waves across the entire Pardus Cluster.
That's the beauty of Pegasus... because it is smaller, each pilot has more influence. One person can make all the difference if they want to.

Good luck to the ones still fighting!

End of part 3.

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