Sunday, 4 October 2015

War Update: Tides have turned.

Artemis - The war is still going between the Federation and Union, this time with the Federation having a strong lead in points. Could it be that despite having a war forced down their throats, the Federation managed to turn the tide? It certainly appears so. But the Union still has the motivation to fight, and might make a comeback. The blame was largely put on the wormhole monsters that spawned in the Split cluster, important for mission runs, as well as multiple federal attacks on Union space, for which the Union simply did not have enough defenders to respond.

Before the Galactic Council meeting, large offensive operations were performed by the Federation in the Union Contingent. These are often done at the last moment to capture a sector, or cripple it until the next Meeting. It succeeded. The losses on the Union side led to Quaack and Nhandu being turned into a no-mans-land. Meanwhile, the Federal logistics crew managed to reclaim Sargas again.

Many smaller operations are done almost daily. A small summary from other news sources: Union pilots broke through Pass FED-07 multiple times. Federal forces tried to invade the Union North Rashkir cluster, and were held back by an elite team of imperial defenders. Federation pilots also attacked the East Pardus Rim, scoring easy war points by attacking small Union settlements there.
Current Federation-Empire relationship.

A more interesting turn of events is the relationship between the Federation and Empire. With many imperial pilots supporting the Union's war effort, the logical consequence is that relations also decline between the Federation and Empire. Not that the Imperial High Council and the imperial lobbyists seem to mind this development, as they push for war. At this rate of decline the Federation may find themselves fighting two factions at once within the next few days. Such a 2v1 war would be an unicum in all of the Pardus universes.
A Union&Empire versus Federation War!
So the Federation may be winning the war against the Union, they are still spending a lot of resources to do so. Once the Empire gets their war machine at speed the Federation might be steamrolled into submission as they likely don't have enough resources to fight the second war.
Of course that's just a theory. With the Federation you just never know. 
They might even miraculously win such a war. 
To know for sure, we will just have to see what the future holds!


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